February 15, 2025



Someone Turned An Old 5K iMac Into A Studio Display Because Why Not?


If you’ve been considering buying yourself a new Apple Studio display but find yourself put off by that glittering price tag and poor webcam, fear not, there’s a solution — so long as you have a spare 5K iMac hanging around, that is.

YouTuber, Luke Miani, took matters into his own hands by turning an old 5K iMac into a Studio Display of sorts. You can see how it all went down in a video posted to YouTube, but the gist is pretty simple.

The 5K iMac now acts as an external display for anything connected via USB-C and the webcam even works — and works better than the Studio Display, of course!

Miani got rid of some of the parts of the iMac that weren’t needed in order to make room for additional cabling, but from the outside, this looks just like the 27-inch iMac that we all know and love.

Ironically, that’s exactly what everyone wanted before the Studio Display was announced — a new monitor that had the display of the 5K iMac but without the computer inside.

Turns out, that’s possible. So long as you don’t mind getting your hands dirty! Check out Maini’s video to see how it all went down and the finished monitor working away in all its glory!

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