Transport in Cities of the Future – Grape Up

Cities of the future are spaces that are comfortable to live in, eco-friendly, safe, and intelligently managed. It’s hard to imagine such a futuristic scenario without the use of advanced technology. Preferably one that combines various elements within one coherent data processing system. Especially great potential lies in solutions at […]

Content Management Systems- 15 Best CMS for 2023

Content management systems (CMS) are software programs designed to help webmasters manage their content online. These programs allow users to create, edit, publish, and organize content without having to manually enter data. CMSs can be used to build websites, blogs, social networking sites, e-commerce stores, etc. There are many different […]

Is AI Essays the End of Education?

I saw an article about “The College Essay is Dead.” It should come as no surprise to anyone that AI (artificial intelligence) is a thing and is doing some things that we ask students to do. “Last week, OpenAI released an advanced chatbot named ChatGPT that has spawned a new […]